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18.1 About HELIOS updates

To keep your HELIOS software current, HELIOS Software GmbH offers the“Software Upgrade Service Agreement” option, which provides both productupdates and upgrades.

Updates include bug fixes, 3rd party compatibility patches,and product enhancements, and are released on an on-goingas-needed basis. Updates are available for download fromthe HELIOS Support website to authorized users.

HELIOS products include free updates (not versionupgrades) for a 30 day period after purchase. Thereafter,updates are available to those who subscribe to theHELIOS Software Upgrade Service agreements (SE002/​SE003).Customers with Software Subscriptions agreements (SE005) are entitled toinstall the latest updates and upgrades.

Upgrades are major new product versions. They areavailable via download from the HELIOS media library. Upgrade notifications areautomatically sent to customers with current Software Upgrade Serviceagreements, at no additional charge. Detailed informationabout these Software Upgrade Service agreements are available in the“Media Library” of the HELIOS Symphony customer portal, in the “Forms” section.

Product SE002 allows access to the HELIOS update downloadarea on the internet, and it lets the customer receiveproduct upgrades free of charge.


Software Upgrade Service agreements must be purchased together with theproduct purchase. Each HELIOS product requires a Software Upgrade Serviceagreement (e.g. Universal File Server and ImageServer will need a serviceagreement covering both products).

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SE003 Cold spare option for SE002 agreements

SE003 allows switching to a backup server hardware. It is an optionfor the SE002 software upgrade serviceand includes additional backup for the base license and allits user expansions. Backup for optional HELIOS add-ons(e.g. ImageServer, PDF HandShake, PrintPreview) iscovered, too. Separate standard software update serviceagreements for ImageServer, PDF HandShake, andPrintPreview are recommended.

  • SE002 agreement is required

  • Can be purchased anytime

  • State product serial number on order

  • Duration and renewal based on the SE002 agreement

  • Available for Universal File Server

For other products SE002 is sufficient because all add-on productsare linked to the file server product and do not require cold sparelicenses.

Customers not taking part in the upgrade service will only receiveproduct updates (but not version upgrades) within 30 days after thesoftware purchase.Customers can still upgrade their software when new majorreleases become available, by purchasing the upgrade to the latestversion. HELIOS will inform all customers who do nothave an upgrade service contract about fees for upgradingexisting installations as soon as new releases become available.

Pricing information and the relevant application forms are available inthe HELIOS Symphony customer portal(symphony.helios.de).

18.2 Using HELIOS Update Installer

To view a list of all HELIOS modules and their updatelevels, log on to HELIOS Admin as a user with “SysAdm”privileges, and select Versions on the Lists menu.


If you need information about a certain update orupdate level, please check the HELIOS CD or the HELIOS website:www.helios.de.

Alternatively, if the HELIOS services are already runningon your server you can use the “uwhat” utility (see 8.22 “uwhat”)to get information about the current update levelof the HELIOS modules. For example, the entry “afpsrv6.0.0u1XYZ” indicates that the HELIOS update u1XYZ isalready installed.


“uwhat” does not display updates in the way HELIOSUpdate Installer does. Thus, it is more reliable to useHELIOS Update Installer (options List Updates andList History) for precise information about theupdate level on your server. HELIOS Update Installer isdescribed below.

Availability of updates

Authorized users can download new HELIOS updates from the HELIOS Update Servervia HELIOS Update Installer. Check the support section on the HELIOS website fordetailed update descriptions.

To install updates, we strongly recommend using HELIOSUpdate Installer. The tool is able to find and install allupdates that are required for a particular product and tocheck interdependencies of certain updates. The installer iseasy to handle and can also be used to retrieve informationabout updates or to uninstall a particular update, if required.

Fig. 18.1: HELIOS Update Installer – Main menu

To start HELIOS Update Installer (Fig. 18.1),open a shell and enter the following command:

The items in the main menu can be selected by typing thefirst letter. E.g. typing “s” will highlight the Setupitem.

For detailed information on navigating within HELIOS Update Installerread the instructions in 4.1.6 “Navigating within HELIOS Installer”.Operating HELIOS Update Installer is almost the same as operatingHELIOS Installer.

The ESC key (Ctrl-X) always lets you return to the start-upwindow and the main menu.

HELIOS Update Installer offers eight different optionsin its main menu (Fig. 18.1):

  • Express Update will induce the installer to automaticallyperform the installation of all available updates for all installed products.

  • Custom Update lets you select the updates you want toinstall.

  • Remove Updates allows you to uninstall certain updates.

  • Commit Updates removes backup files and makes updatespermanent. Usually, if you install an update, a backup file of the old versionis kept. This allows you to uninstall the update in case of problems and to returnto your initial installation. If new updates work fine youmay want to remove the backup files. This can beachieved by using the Commit Updates option.

  • Download Updates lets you download the required updatesfrom the HELIOS Update Server via the Internet.

  • List Updates lets you list all available updates, and canalso be used to display the update info texts thatdescribe the purpose of the respective updates.

  • List History gives information about the date ofprevious update installations. The list tells you who didwhat, and when they did it.

  • Setup allows you to set preferences, e.g. change thelanguage setting or change the search path. The lattercan be necessary if you move the update files to anotherdirectory or if you have the HELIOS CD and additionalupdate repositories.

The HELIOS Update Server settings allow you to define adownload path, and enter serial numbers.


Note that HELIOS Update Installer does not automaticallystop the HELIOS services, because this is usually notrequired. However, to avoid problems, we recommend tostop all printer queues before starting to install updates andto stop and restart the HELIOS services (commands“stop-helios” and “start-helios”, respectively) some timeafter the update installation to make the newly installedmodules available. You must stop the HELIOS servicesbefore you select the Commit Updates option. Otherwise,serious problems can arise.

To install new updates, you should always open the “General setup”dialog first and check whether the update search pathis correct (Fig. 18.2).

Fig. 18.2: HELIOS Update Installer – General Setup

If you have to replace the path entry, use the BACKSPACEkey to delete the old one. You can enter several search pathsat a time, in case you have different updates repositories. InFig. 18.2, for example, we have defined two searchpaths which are separated by a “:”.

The “HELIOS Update Server Setup” dialog (Fig. 18.3) letsyou specify a path (Download path) where the downloadedupdates are saved. Additionally you are asked for the nameof the HTTP Proxy server you want to use, and its portnumber. In the Serial Numbers section enter the product serialnumber or the code of each product for accessing the HELIOS Update Server.


“HELIOSDIR/​etc/​updates” should not be used for the Download path.It is solely under the control of HELIOS Update Installer. Use a separate directory for theupdate download area, e.g.: “HELIOSDIR/​download/​updates”.This directory can then be used at the same time for the Update search path(“General Setup” window).

If invalid (or no) serial numbers are entered, only theupdate descriptions can be downloaded, but not theupdates themselves.

Fig. 18.3: HELIOS Update Installer – HELIOS Update Server Setup

Your current update level can optionally be entered in theHide updates below field so that only newer updates aredownloaded.


Do not specify a larger number becauseinterdependencies need to be checked!

The “List Updates” window lists all updates and indicates thestate of each update.This means, you get information if an update is applied,already superseded or not installed. If you select an updatefrom the list and press ENTER, HELIOS Update Installer willdisplay the corresponding description:

Fig. 18.4: The “List Updates” dialog

The “List History” window (Fig. 18.5) reveals the productupdate history for the specified path.

Fig. 18.5: HELIOS Update Installer – List History

To download updates from the HELIOS Update Server viathe Internet proceed as follows:

Select the Download Updates item from the main menu.

The “Download Status” window shows the progress of the updateloading process (Fig. 18.6) and disappearsautomatically when the loading has been completed.

Fig. 18.6: HELIOS Update Installer – Download Status

At this point, update description files have been downloadedto the specified directory. Next, relevant updates foreach product are displayed and can be selected for download.

In the “Download from the HELIOS Update Server” dialog(Fig. 18.7) select from the (Architecture) pop-upmenu the required architecture.

In the Update-Description section select and mark theupdate for download according to the instructions given inCustom Update. You can mark more than one update at atime.

Fig. 18.7: HELIOS Update Installer – Download from the HELIOS Update Server

As soon as the download is complete, an information boxappears, which states the number of updates and the directory wherethey have been saved to.


HELIOS Update Installer uses the standard HTTPport (80) or, if configured, the proxy server port numberfor downloading updates from the server.

This information may be important if you set up a firewallon your system.

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The easiest way of installing these downloaded updates is to use the“Express Update” dialog (Fig. 18.8). The correctInstall path is detected automatically by theHELIOS Update Installer. The installation will be performedautomatically when you confirm with the Ok button.

Fig. 18.8: HELIOS Update Installer – Express Update

In contrast to the Express Update item you do not just selectthe Install path entry, but each single update you want toinstall (Fig. 18.9). The correct Install path is detectedautomatically by HELIOS Update Installer. However, itis possible to overwrite the path entry.

To obtain more information on the specific updates highlight an updatein the Updates section and press ENTER.To mark an update for installation highlight it and use thefollowing keys to select/deselect updates for installation orremoval. See also the bottom line in Fig. 18.9:

  • + Select one item and move to the next

  • - Deselect one item and move to next

  • * Select all items

  • 0 Deselect all items

  • (Space Bar) Select/deselect one item

  • ! Select/deselect one item exclusively

As soon as the installation is complete, you will be notifiedthat all updates have been successfully installed.

Fig. 18.9: HELIOS Update Installer – Custom Update

Commit Updates removes previous update versions.Make sure to issue “stop-helios” and “start-helios” before committing updates.

In the Updates section of the “Commit Update” dialog(Fig. 18.10) select and mark the update you wish to commitaccording to the instructions given in Custom Update. Youcan mark more than one update at a time. Sanam teri kasam ost.

After you have committed an update, there is no simpleway, apart from reinstalling the product, to fall back to aprevious version. An Information box appears stating that thecommittal has been successful.

Fig. 18.10: HELIOS Update Installer – Commit Update

Some updates change the behavior of certain productmodules. To uninstall updates you do not want to workwith, use the Remove Updates option. The respective dialogwindow is shown in Fig. 18.11. There may be interdependenciesbetween several updates, i.e. certain updates cannot beremoved as long as they are required by other updates thatare still installed. The dialog window displays either allremovable or all non-removable updates. Updates you havealready committed can no longer be removed.

Fig. 18.11: HELIOS Update Installer – Remove Update

See also the hands-on video:
HELIOS Update Installer – 4 easy steps

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HELIOS ManualsFebruary 6, 2019